We are delighted to announce that the University of Bristol will be joining The Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science.
The University will be joining a network of ATI university partners collaborating across disciplines through both theoretical development and innovative applications to place the UK at the forefront of the industries of the future, including AI and the data economy. Working in partnership with business, public and the third sector, we will work together to address real-world problems and add strength to a growing scientific endeavour in data science.
The ATI is named in recognition of Alan Turing (1912-1954), whose pioneering work in the core fields of theoretical and applied mathematics, engineering and computing revolutionised the emerging discipline of data science. The mission of the ATI is to make great leaps in data science research in order to change the world for the better.
The University of Bristol has made a significant investment in data science and the physical and digital infrastructures required to support this strategic priority within our multidisciplinary environment in recent years. These include the development of the Jean Golding Institute for data science and data intensive research, the new Fry Building for the School of Mathematics, the Blue Crystal Phase 3 High Performance Computing facility, the joint ventures of the Bristol VR lab and Bristol is Open and most recently, the planned development of the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus in Bristol city centre, which will support research and innovation addressing key Digital Society challenges.
Alan Wilson, CEO of The Alan Turing Institute, said “Together, the Turing’s university network represents a powerful coalition of research excellence in data science and artificial intelligence in the UK. It is with real pleasure that we welcome Bristol and Southampton into the Turing network, adding their substantial expertise to the Institute’s already formidable network of academic talent.”
Professor Nishan Canagarajah, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of Bristol, commented “We are delighted to join the Alan Turing Institute and look forward to working with other leading UK Universities. The University continues to make significant investment in data science and our most recent announcement about the University’s £300m new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus will support research and innovation to address the major challenges of our emerging digital society.”
Professor Kate Robson Brown, JGI Director said “We are delighted to partner with the Alan Turing Institute in recognition of our world leading data science, mathematics, social science, engineering, computer science and artificial intelligence research. We will be working with the ATI in a collaborative and multidisciplinary environment to tackle today’s global issues including urban analytics, security and health”
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