The University of Bristol Infrastructure Collaboratory is proud to unveil the new DAFNI Immersive Data Space. Part of UKCRIC, the Bristol Collaboratory forms part of a national network of urban observatories. Thanks to investment from DAFNI (the Data & Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure), we now host a portable immersive space for visualisation of infrastructure data.
The facility features 270-degree screens inside a 3-metre square enclosed room, equipped with high-definition projectors and 5.1 surround sound. A high-powered computer allows for detailed data visualisation and 3-D models to be warped seamlessly around all sides of the space.
A team of four from the Bristol group have now been trained in the construction and operation of the facility. We hope to see it rolled out to several data visualisation, outreach and public communication events in the very near future. If you would like to know more about the DAFNI immersive data space, please contact
About the author: Dr Patrick Tully is the project manager for UKCRIC activities at the University of Bristol. He has a background in Civil Engineering and Systems Engineering and is using this experience to support both the capital elements of the UKCRIC project and developing ongoing research strategies for both SoFSI and the Bristol Infrastructure Collaboratory.