Successful PGR Seed Corn Awardees 2022- 2023

The Jean Golding Institute’s Seed Corn Scheme

The Jean Golding Institute are pleased to announce the Post Graduate Researcher Seed Corn Funding awards. Every year we provide seed corn funding to Post Doctoral Researchers, but this year we are pleased to also be able to provide funding to small-scale projects for Post Graduate Researchers at the University of Bristol, which we hope will help to develop their projects further. Through our Seed Corn Funding Scheme, we aim to support initiatives to develop interdisciplinary research in data science (including Artificial Intelligence) and data-intensive research. 

The Winners

Zinuo You is currently studying a PhD in Computer Science, at the University of Bristol. They have a Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Science & Technology from Southwest University, in addition to a Master’s  in Electronic & Electrical Engineering from the University of Sheffield. Their research interests include graph neural networks, graph structural learning and deep learning in finance. 


Isolde Glissenaar is a PhD researcher in Glaciology, researching sea ice thickness in the Canadian Arctic using remote sensing and machine learning.

Isolde has created a sea ice thickness product for the channels in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Isolde will use their JGI PGR seed corn funding to make the product operationally available for shipping navigators, local communities, and climate researchers to use. 

Holly Fraser is a final year PhD student in Digital Health and Care, with a background in psychology and neuroscience.

During her PhD studies Holly has been using machine learning to investigate risk and protective factors for depression and anxiety, using birth cohort data. Her research involves using natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyse the online discourse of mental health and medication use, using Reddit data.

Holly is excited to start the project and explore a new data analysis method, which she thinks will be of great value to her existing work.

Jiao Wang & Ahmed Mohamed

Jiao Wang is a fourth-year PhD student studying Hydroinformatics with the Department of Civil Engineering. Her research focuses on identifying and quantifying the information content and transmission in the catchment hydrological modelling system. 

Ahmed Mohamed is a third-year PhD student studying Rainfall Nowcasting with the Department of Civil Engineering. His research focuses on improving rainfall nowcasting based on deep learning methods and optical flow models. 

Both Ahmed and Jiao are interested in water resource problems, climate change, numerical modelling and artificial intelligence. 

Sydney Charitos & Lauren Thompson

Sydney Charitos is a second-year PhD student in Digital Health & Care. Her research focuses on the feasibility of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), asking survey questions both in the moment and in context to assess chronic pain in young children aged 5 – 11 years old.

Due to having a background in Electronics and Computer Science, Sydney is especially interested in EMA data visualization for the many stakeholders in a child’s life.

Lauren Thompson is a third-year PhD student in Digital Health & Care. Her research explores the feasibility of a multi-stakeholder self-management tool for children aged 7-11 years with chronic fatigue, through qualitative and participatory design methods.

More information

For more information about other funding we have provided and schemes we offer, find out more on our Funding page, and take a look at previous projects we have supported, on our Projects page.