
  • Fostering collaborations with UK livestock diagnostic laboratories to integrate data sources on antimicrobial resistance into a multi-use data resource

    The role of antibiotic use in animals, particularly those in the food chain, is highlighted as an area needing focus and research to drive policy change. It is therefore essential to understand the true nature of antibiotic use across animal health if we are to undertake informed actions to reduce unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics and reduce the pressure for bacteria to…

  • Jean Golding Institute Showcase 2018 – Data Driven Transformation

    On 3rd July the Jean Golding Institute invited hundreds of guests from academia, public and industry sectors, as well as the community to come and join this inaugural showcase event hosted in the historic Wills Memorial Building at the University of Bristol.  The event was a manifestation of the outputs of two years of work since the Institute inception in 2016. The showcase set…

  • The Beauty of Data – A JGI data visualisation competition

    Gaia Sky – Winner 2018 Gaia is a space telescope developed and operated by the European Space Agency. Launched in December 2013, its five-year mission is to make extremely careful measurements of the positions and brightnesses of more than a billion stars in the Milky Way and beyond. The positional accuracy provided by this amazing…

  • The University of Bristol and the Office for National Statistics formally establish a working collaboration in data science

    A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed as formal recognition of the professional and academic expertise within the University of Bristol and the Office for National Statistics (ONS), and the shared commitment to improve data science research and innovation.  Data science is a rapidly emerging discipline drawing expertise from multiple sectors, industries and academic…

  • Announcing the winner of our Global Farming Data Competition

    We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who participated in our Global Farming Data Competition and helped make it a success. A special congratulations goes to Leo Gorman who is our overall winner and will receive £1,000 in prize money. Leo’s wining entry was ‘Designing an interactive app for preliminary data exploration’. Our…

  • The University of Bristol to join the Alan Turing Institute

    We are delighted to announce that the University of Bristol will be joining The Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science. The University will be joining a network of ATI university partners collaborating across disciplines through both theoretical development and innovative applications to place the UK at the forefront of the industries of the future, including AI and the data economy. Working…

  • IsoGlace workshop on novel isotope systems in glaciated environments

    On March 23rd 2018, the University of Bristol hosted the IsoGlace workshop about novel isotope systems in glaciated environments. The workshop was organised to coincide with a visit from University of Bristol Benjamin-Meaker fellows Ellen and Jon Martin, from the University of Florida Gainesville, and featured talks from glaciologists and geochemists about how we can…

  • GW4 funds data science projects to capitalise on regional strength

    The original version of this article can be found at GW4 Seed corn awards will catalyse new collaborations in data-intensive research. Five research projects have received seed-corn funding from the GW4 Alliance to broker new partnerships and develop fresh solutions which apply data science. Data science is widely acknowledged to be one of the premier strengths…

  • Escaping rural hunger and poverty in the developing world: A Global Farming Data Competition

    This post is written by ILRI post-doctoral scientist James Hammond with contributions from ILRI communications officer Paul Karaimu. The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and the Jean Golding Institute have launched the Global Farming Data Competition 2018. The two organisations are challenging any data lovers to come up with novel, useful or exciting ways to…