We were really impressed with the quality of applications for this year’s round of funding and are very pleased to announce the JGI Seed corn fund winners for 2019:
- Peter Bennett, Robert Arbon & Alex Jones for their project ‘Audio-visual display of protein dynamics using deep learning and classical composition’
- Catherine Dodds & Peter Keogh for their project ‘ReUsing Qualitative Datasets to Understand Shifts in HIV Prevention 1997-2013’
- Chris Adams, Dima Damen & Natalie Fey for their project ‘EPIC Lab: Generating a first-person (egocentric) vision dataset for practical chemistry – data analysis and educational opportunities’
- David Sweeting, Hen Wilkinson, Bobby Stuijfzand & Derek Edwards for their project ‘From conflict to collaboration: visualizing shifts in group energy to support creativity’
- Matthew Avison for his project ‘Multi-task learning for antimicrobial resistance’
- Stephen Chuter, Jonathan Rougier & Jonathan Bamber for their project ‘Interactive visualisation of Antarctic mass trends from 2003 until present’
Additionally, we have agreed to support the following workshops:
- Rachel Denholm, Rupert Payne, Jonathon Lawry & Philip Harfield for a workshop on ‘Optimising the analysis of routine administrative health records: making better use of data science methodologies’
- Ivan Palomares Carrascosa for a workshop on ‘RESULTS: REcommender Systems for engaging Users with healthy Living habiTS’
Keep an eye on the JGI website and blog for updates on these projects throughout 2019.
Take a look at some of the other projects the JGI have supported – Projects