
  • Convolutional neural networks for environmental monitoring

    Convolutional neural networks for environmental monitoring

    JGI Seed Corn Funded Project Blog Background Environmental monitoring is critical for the protection of human health and the environment. As the world’s population continues to increase, industrial development and agricultural practices continue to expand, as does their associated pollution. The requirement for environmental monitoring is thus greater than ever, particularly for freshwater resources utilised…

  • What intensities of physical activity during adolescence contribute most to health in adulthood? – A study on the full intensity spectrum (Part-1)

    What intensities of physical activity during adolescence contribute most to health in adulthood? – A study on the full intensity spectrum (Part-1)

    JGI Seed Corn Funded Project Blog Physical activity (PA) is among the most important human behaviours to improve and maintain health. The level of PA performed by an individual is often measured by accelerometers (the sensors used in fitness trackers or smartphones), but the obtained data is rich and evokes statistical challenges. Hence, novel statistical…

  • Bristol Science Film Festival 2021 Data Science and AI winners

    Bristol Science Film Festival 2021 Data Science and AI winners

    We are pleased to announce the winners of the Bristol Science Film Festival Jean Golding Institute Data Science and AI film prize 2021. The JGI co-hosted a screening with BSSF of the winning films in Data Week Online 2021.  Bristol Science Film Festival runs an annual science film competition to support film-makers trying to tell the most interesting facts (or science fictions), no matter their resources.   Winner — The Artificial Revolution …

  • The symbolic annihilation of women in primary school literature.

    The symbolic annihilation of women in primary school literature.

    JGI Seed Corn Funded Project Blog post by Chris McWilliams, Tamzin Whelan, Roberta Guerrina, Fiona Jordan, Amanda Williams. Figure 1: (left) Tamzin scanning books, running them through the OCR software and correcting the output; (right) a child reading an early years book. Children are strongly impacted by the gender messages they receive at a young…

  • “climatearchive.org”: 540 million years of climate history at your fingertips

    “climatearchive.org”: 540 million years of climate history at your fingertips

    JGI Seed Corn Funded Project We created a web application that enables interactive access to climate research data to enhance scientific collaboration and public outreach.  Screenshot of the app showing surface ocean currents (coloured by magnitude) of the present-day Atlantic Ocean. Climate model data for everyone  We can only fully understand the past, present and future climate changes…

  • Digital Twin for Infrastructure: Building an Open-Interface Finite-Element Model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge (Bristol)

    Digital Twin for Infrastructure: Building an Open-Interface Finite-Element Model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge (Bristol)

    JGI Seed Corn Funded Project Much of the global infrastructure is now operating well outside its designed lifetime and usage. New technology is needed to allow the continued safe operation of this infrastructure, and one such technology is the ‘Digital Twin’. A Digital Twin for Infrastructure A Digital Twin is a mathematical model of a…

  • Understanding the risk of cancer after SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Understanding the risk of cancer after SARS-CoV-2 infection

    JGI Seed Corn Funded Project Viral infections have the potential to alter cell’s DNA, activating carcinogenic processes and preventing the immune system from eliminating damaged cells. Since the COVID–19 pandemic began there is an urge to understand the long-term health impact of SARS-CoV-2 and how it may increase the risk of cancer.  Aims of the project In this…

  • COVID-19: Pandemics and ‘Infodemics’

    COVID-19: Pandemics and ‘Infodemics’

    JGI Seed Corn funded project  Blog Post by Drs Luisa Zuccolo and Cheryl McQuire, Department of Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol.  The problem  Soon after the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11th 2020, the UN declared the start of an infodemic, highlighting the danger posed by the fast spreading of unchecked misinformation. Defined as an overabundance of information, including deliberate…

  • University of Bristol hosts UK climate data hackathon in advance of COP26 – the CMIP6 Data Hackathon

    University of Bristol hosts UK climate data hackathon in advance of COP26 – the CMIP6 Data Hackathon

    Researchers from across the UK are coming together for a climate data hackathon this June. The hackathon is a three-day virtual event organised by the University of Bristol’s Cabot Institute and Jean Golding Institute, in association with the Met Office and universities of Exeter, Leeds and UCL.   The aim of the hackathon is to produce cutting-edge research using data from the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), with the aim of showcasing outputs at the upcoming COP26…